Sunday, September 23, 2007

Still sputtering

MDC has gone away, and I have been graced with the maintenance of two of her projects. Have you ever looked at someone else's work and wondered how they manage to dress themselves without help? I am so angry at the state of the work left for me and the deadline under which I find myself, I sputtered to my remaining two coworkers for more than an hour on Friday. (Their main comments, aside from offering me help, bless them, is that they're both glad she didn't actually DO anything to the projects they each got.) I am furious that either she was so incompetent or so unethical as to leave the work in the state it's in, with a deadline in FIVE DAYS. Had I been working on these projects from the beginning, I would be wrapping them up by now. Instead, there are still things undone, unedited, and unproduced, and not one single bit of paper trail to let me know which items are complete and which still need work. She even went so far as to tell me, in front of the boss, that she was sure it would be okay if I was a week late. !!!!!!!!!!!! My boss's eyes about popped out of her head. (Followed by the pointed comment to me, "Don't you be the reason this deadline slips." No kidding.) I have tried all my life not to hate, but I'm losing the battle with this one. Thailand can keep her, the useless waste.
I finished the back of the cardigan on Friday night (or Saturday. Was it Saturday? I can't even remember now.) I LOVE the way it looks. I held it up against my back and it's just the right length, and hopefully the right width, though since it's stockinette it was hard to judge with the edges curling. I didn't immediately cast on the fronts or the sleeves, though. I'd promised myself that I could cast on the cheshire cat stole by BigAlice. I went scrounging for my 2.75mm needle, and ended up cleaning out my entire project corner. Said corner was 5% projects, 15% books and magazines, %5 leftover yarn balls, and 75% trash. Why didn't I take care of that months ago? Anyway, it's all tidy, and after I'd finished I found the stupid &*)(@*&(%&*)# needle on my desk. Sigh. I cast on a little while ago and was unreasonably entertained by the looooooooong row of tiny furry pink stitches on my needles. Can I just say something? (Yeah, like you can stop me.) I love the beginning of a new project. I love the possibilities of yarns, fibers, patterns, in new and exciting combinations, or old standbys. I love the potential. And I love knitting. Lace (whooda thunk?), cables, socks, sweaters, I love it all. But I bloody hate casting on.
So, since I'm clearly in such a fine mood, I suppose I'll cast on for one of the fronts of the sweater. Then I can get moving and enjoy myself for a little while longer when the pattern finally gets going.
As a reward for making it through all that ranting, pissing, moaning and whining, I present one of Bug's favorite foods: peet-zee.
