I finished the back of the cardigan on Friday night (or Saturday. Was it Saturday? I can't even remember now.) I LOVE the way it looks. I held it up against my back and it's just the right length, and hopefully the right width, though since it's stockinette it was hard to judge with the edges curling. I didn't immediately cast on the fronts or the sleeves, though. I'd promised myself that I could cast on the cheshire cat stole by BigAlice. I went scrounging for my 2.75mm needle, and ended up cleaning out my entire project corner. Said corner was 5% projects, 15% books and magazines, %5 leftover yarn balls, and 75% trash. Why didn't I take care of that months ago? Anyway, it's all tidy, and after I'd finished I found the stupid &*)(@*&(%&*)# needle on my desk. Sigh. I cast on a little while ago and was unreasonably entertained by the looooooooong row of tiny furry pink stitches on my needles. Can I just say something? (Yeah, like you can stop me.) I love the beginning of a new project. I love the possibilities of yarns, fibers, patterns, in new and exciting combinations, or old standbys. I love the potential. And I love knitting. Lace (whooda thunk?), cables, socks, sweaters, I love it all. But I bloody hate casting on.
So, since I'm clearly in such a fine mood, I suppose I'll cast on for one of the fronts of the sweater. Then I can get moving and enjoy myself for a little while longer when the pattern finally gets going.
As a reward for making it through all that ranting, pissing, moaning and whining, I present one of Bug's favorite foods: peet-zee.