Thursday, July 13, 2006

Feast or famine

It turns out that I am not a steady yarn buyer. I have a stash, most of which is either leftovers from a project, or destined for a project I just haven't started yet. I surf yarn sites obsessively and wonder what it all feels like, and imagine what I could make with it, but I generally don't buy indiscriminately. Lately, it's been a couple of balls of cotton for facecloths, and a couple of balls of acrylic for baby hats.
No more.
I had a binge. A serious binge. I ordered yarn for four garments and three pairs of socks. Plus the Knitpicks needles. It should all arrive in the next week. I will be rolling in yarn. Buried in it. I am so excited about it I can hardly think. 100% alpaca for a clapotis for me. Yarn for two Christmas gifts. Enough Elann Esprit for at least two pairs of socks, and maybe a third. Shine Worsted for Bombshell, from Big Girl Knits. I feel like I won the lottery. (When DH saw the bank statement he said, "You spent HOW MUCH on yarn?!" I reminded him of the boat in the front yard and told him I get a lot more yarn before we're even.)
In the meantime, I am working on the Sonnet sleeves (slowly), the green socks out of my hand-dyed, and Frill. (Well, Frill is on the needles, but I haven't worked on her in ages.) I have been sock knitting, and loving it. I did have to take the second sock off the needles - too fiddly. One sock on circs is flying, though.
Now if you'll excuse me, my son is licking the pedals on the piano, and I should probably stop him at some point. Or clean the pedals.

PS - Lots of good thoughts to LeeAnn.


Lucia said...

Being a conservative yarn buyer myself, reading your post just made me feel happy. Maybe someday I'll be able to binge!

janna said...

Sounds like you don't need to clean those pedals anymore! ;-) And congratulations on the binge -- it was fun, wasn't it?