I had time (and milk) to make my coffee, and the Bug played quietly in his crib while I took a shower. I even had time to knit a row on Tendrils! I know, I know, Selfish September says I should knit for me first, but I sorta was - I like Tendrils better right now than the two projects intended for me. Also, I'd left my sock at work, not thinking I'd have time to work on it before I got to the office. Anyway, I'm just shy of three repeats! Yeah, so the five-repeats-a-week thing isn't going so well right now...
The babies abound! Grumperina has been making baby gifts for what seems like ages, on and off, and even Alison got in on the fun! Go wish her congratulations.
Here is my little baby, sporting his new shoes.
He's not sure about them yet, but next week in Montana it will be cool enough that he'll need them, so he'd best get the practice in now.