Tuesday, October 10, 2006

out of time

Isn't it weird how all the big time-sucking things happen all at the same time? Somehow it's always in the fall. The Bug's birthday starts it off, and there's my birthday, and MIL's birthday, punkin-pickin at the local patch, Halloween camping trip, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. DH likes to head to Montana for his mom's birthday, Thanksgiving usually takes up at least two weekends and many weekdays for planning, cleaning and cooking, and Christmas... well, we all know about Christmas. Anyway, this year we have the added events of a family wedding and a visit from the youngest SD followed by a road trip for her and DH (she's receiving her car and they're driving it back to Montana together). Oh yeah, and a baby shower I have to plan and throw. Couple that with two major product releases that I'm working on and you have a recipe for NO KNITTING AT ALL. I can't stand it. Tension and stress abound, and I have no time for knitting, and then that increases the tension because I'm NOT WORKING ON MY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Aaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Maybe I'll go home at lunch and wind a ball of yarn, just to take the edge off.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps this is not a good time for me to let you know that your yarn has shipped from the supplier. I should have it in a few days.

No pressure.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I can take the hint. When's your birthday?