It's not like I planned a blog break. I've been reading, commenting as I feel moved to do so, etc. I just haven't quite gotten back into the habit of a completely wired life after having been offline for so long when the MIL passed away. Plus, as the spring quickly moves to summer here, we have spent every weekend at the lake trying to prepare the old camper for when the stepkids come for Memorial Day, which leaves me weeknight evenings to do all the laundry and tidying that I usually did on the weekends. Yeah, who am I kidding? I didn't tidy and I rarely did laundry. But it's still piling up faster than usual, it seems.
There has been knitting, though. I finished my Zombie socks (Ravelry link) for round 1 of sock madness, and squeaked in under the wire for round 2 with the Reversai pattern (Ravelry link). It was quite a feat of knitting stupidity, too - it took me four days of evening knitting to finish the first one, so I decided to finish the second in one night. I had to give up at 2:30 when my hands stopped responding to what I wanted them to do, and my brain was so tired I screwed up more stitches than I knit correctly. I finished them this morning in the car on th way to the lake, and, all hail modern technology, took a picture, uploaded it, and emailed the judges from the car on the side of the road.
Socks That Rock Light in Ruby Slippers (which is much better in person than in my photo) and Reynolds Soft Sea Wool in purple
Addi 2.0mm, 32in Turbos
Started 3/15/08
Finished 3/19/08
Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in Tahoe
2.0 mm Addi turbo for magic loop
Started 3/31/08
Finished 4/5/08