What the heck day is this, anyway? I can't even tell, they're kinda all blurring together. I can tell you, though, that compared to last week, Christmas is a bit...anticlimactic.
However, SOME PEOPLE are accusing me [winkwink] of having a baby just to get out of finishing my Christmas knitting, and here I have photographic proof that it didn't happen that way. (As a matter of fact, I removed the blocking wires and unpinned the second Aunt scarf after my water broke, before I went off to the birth center. I know where my priorities lie.)
Stats on Ravelry, here (for the green one) and here (for the other one).
Hmm, what else? Oh yeah, proof that it isn't only Christmas-knitters who procrastinate.
Does that look like a newly installed laminate floor and a new full-sized bed to you? Don't worry, the DH has, like, 47 whole hours to get it taken care of. o.0
Amaryllis watch...
I have a few more pictures of the Noob. (Yeah, like you're going to get away without looking at more pictures.)
Grampa came to see him:
The rest of the time he does this:
Unless it's 2am and then he's wide awake. You will forgive me for not having pictures of that. o.0
Now, I must brave the crowds for some last minute shopping. [weep]