Except that they're too big.
So I have discovered the issue with knitting two socks at a time - if they go kablooie, it's twice as much work to rip out. Oh well. Sadly, since DH pointed out how pointy my normal socks are (16 stitch cast on, a là Magic Judy) I doubled the size of the cast on. It's too big. Must rip all the way down. Waaah.
Oh the other hand, I noticed DH's feet are, well, different. His big toe is MUCH longer than the rest of his toes, so I wonder - if I do the magic cast on and increase more on one side of the toe than on the other, will it fit his feet better, or will it just fit weird? Has anyone out there done this or seen it done?
Anyway, the other benefit is that I have knit two enormous, soft, squooshy, gorgeous swatches, and that will help me to knit better fitting socks for the DH.
I haven't worked on the Mystery Stole in a few days, but I think it's SO cute. It has been sitting on the table in the living room, and occasionally I just walk by and pet it.
You can see the little greenish copper beads if you click to embiggen, but that's just a lotta lace to look at all up-close and personal-like.
Two more days to Montana! Cross your fingers for me that I get to see some moosies!