Friday, August 24, 2007

Back, for now

We had a lovely time in southern California. We played for hours and hours at the beach, and the Bug got his first real taste of the ocean. We'd been there with him once before, early last year, but he was too little and the water was too cold to really enjoy it. This time we played in the waves, and he dug, rolled in, and ate sand to his little heart's content. I got to swim and jump and roll in the waves, DH got to lay around and relax in the shade of the umbrella while he played with the Bug, and Peaches the dog got to enjoy some cool weather away from her sisters. Unfortunately, my camera was in the shop and DH left his sitting on his desk (though he did bring the camera case... [sigh]). So, no pictures.
We even had time to visit with La and Mr. La in Irvine for dinner. It was good food, great conversation, and an all-around pleasant time. DH and Mr. La hit it off and spent half the time commiserating about their wives' fibery obsessions while La and I chased Bug around Irvine Spectrum. My only complaint about that was that the chasing left little time for more conversation, and the evening ended far too soon. (Note to self: make sure you have spare diapers next time!) La posted a picture of our sunny selves (and even managed to get one of the Bug hugging Mama's limited edition Dizzy Blond sock yarn in the JenLa colorway) here. Both the stepdaughter and DIL tried to claim the yarn as socks for them, but NO WAY. Those socks are for MY feeties!
For now, it's back to the grind, and next week we leave for a quickie trip to visit the inlaws in Montana. The Geek Squad people tell me my camera will be home from the hospital by then, so I will try to get some good photos of Montana scenery for y'all. If it's not home, maybe we will remember DH's camera this time. o.0
Knitterly pursuits were had, as well. I did a few repeats on the Vermont blue sock, and started some for DH. (Funny how he stopped complaining about my knitting as soon as it was for him.) I am trying two at a time on Magic Loop, a là Sarkasmo. They're going a little slower together than they would individually, but I enjoy the process, and the yarn (Misty Mountain Farms sock yarn in Sand River from The Loopy Ewe) entertains me with the color changes when the stockinette threatens to bore me. They were the perfect car knitting, too.
This weekend I plan to make a few more of those little bags from the last post. They really are fun and easy, and so quick they make for good instant gratification. I want a sock-sized one, a padded camera-sized one, an iPod-sized one. I LURVE them.