Anyway, here is the biggest reason you should be jealous of me.
It doesn't show well in my picture, but y'all, that is a yarn cake. That ball of color at the top is a cupcake, frosted entirely with that little skinny writing attachment for the frosting bags, and I ate it! YAHOO! Yarn cake! I'm pretty sure it was the best cake ever. It was a collaboration between the DH, who baked it, and my sister who frosted it. Brilliant. I loved it.
The Bug and his best bud S loved it too.
Miss A got her first taste of ice cream.
She pronounced it a success.
The Divine Miss M wants this car to go faster. Don't bother her with cake. There is driving to do.
The older Miss A is queen of all bubbles, and the Bug and S were completed smitten with her. She is wearing a pink lizard on her shoulder. How else would one properly accessorize one's pink heart shirt and flouncy new haircut?
Later there was Wii-ing. (Wiiing?) That thing is hilarious. I was cracking myself up, and the Bug laughed and laughed to see his mama doing all those funny things and waving that little white dealie around. Boxing was his favorite. Even the DH, who is an avowed not-gamer, got involved and learned that he loves fake bowling. He smoked me on the bowling, but I kicked his proverbial Mii-butt in golf. Yes, we are living on the edge.
Yesterday there was punkin-pickin' on the farm. (Bug says, "PUNKY!" Love it.) There was running like maniacs in the orchard. There was fresh pecan pie with homemade ice cream. There were pictures, which unfortunately remain on the DH's camera. Tomorrow, maybe, if I can stop Wii-ing.